In preparation for this trip we've made a few purchases:
1. Additional camera equipment
*3 styles of pods: tripod, monopod, and a flexible tripod
*Macro Lenses
*Extra Batteries
*Larger Camera Bag
*Glare hood
2. New purse for Libby (me): it's a security purse so that stealing it or pick-pocketing will be difficult.
3. New shoes for both of us. We'll be doing a lot of walking/sightseeing, so new, comfortable walking shoes were a must. And we got them early enough to acclimate to them.
4. New luggage: Tim and I both needed a new carry-on (which is usually all we use) and our checked bags have been unusable for a while. So we did a little research and purchased new pieces. We would have just purchased new carry-on luggage, but with this type of trip, we'll definitely need to check a bag, so we purchased one of those too.
5. Thermal underwear. I've never worn them and didn't buy any for myself, but bought a couple pair for Tim. He gets cold much easier than me and we've been reading that the Highlands in Scotland can get quite chilly. I'll wear my yoga pants under my regular ones.
Packing means sorting through all the clothes, which also means that I can take this opportunity to get rid of clothes that no longer fit or we just don't wear anymore. And perhaps, by the time we leave, all the laundry will be completely done and caught up. Ha!
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