
Monday, March 2, 2015

48 Hours (and counting)

We have arrived in London, UK. But, let me back up just a little to Friday night to travel here.

Friday: most of the packing - done.

Saturday: breakfast, a little shopping, music practice, dinner and fellowship with friends and a little time with our oldest, John.

Sunday: practice, church service, lunch, cleaning, hair-cut (for Tim), loading up the car, good-bye with dear friends and meeting our ride at our church. Smooth ride, breeze-through check-in and security and we're on the plane. Disappointingly, our extra-cost more-room seats, did not provide more room and the storage for carry-ons has gotten a great deal smaller and it was quite the puzzle to store our (purposefully bought smaller) bags in them.

The flight was mostly smooth and we did doze on and off, but no restful sleep.

Note: the child of a friend has sent along one of his toys to travel with us. It's Mini-Minion (see below) and we are having fun showing him the pros and cons of travel. I hope his owner enjoys the pics and updates. Here he is traveling in style and comfort through O'Hare airport.

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