After breakfast we viewed the Bee Terrace at the hotel (St. Ermins), where they maintain a beautiful hive area for their bees and they only use the honey they get from their own bees.
We then checked out and moved on to the hotel we'll be staying for the conference days, and bumped (almost literally) into a former co-worker of Tim's. We were permitted early access to our room and Tim and Ruud (pronounced rude with a rolling r) are out to discuss their talk for Thursday.
I spent some time unpacking and organizing the room. Ahhhh, normalcy. Anticipating a wonderful afternoon of walking around the Westminster and St. James areas and seeing Buckingham Palace and more....

By the time I started my walk, it had turned chilly (about 30 degrees here) and I hadn't taken my jacket, so I didn't go to as many places as I'd thought I would today.
It's okay, I have 3 more full days in London City Center. I did see Buckingham Palace and Queen Victoria Memorial statue (a round about around a statue).
There was a school group at the palace while I was there. When I was a child, it would have been the best thing ever if I'd gotten to see a palace on a field trip!

Nice first day!