
Thursday, March 26, 2015

"I'm kind of homesick, for a country..."

If you know this lyric, you know the next part is "to which I've never been before." Well, unlike in the song referring to heaven, I'm referring to the U.S. and I've been there, but it's been awhile. And I struggled with that this week.

Today is our last full day Budapest and I find myself feeling a little sad. As much as I want to get home, to my house, my bed, my family, my friends and my church, now that it's time to actually start packing up to go, I want to stay.

Earlier this week was a bit of a struggle for me to get out and see this beautiful city. On Tuesday, I didn't go out at all until supper time with Tim. I was just exhausted and wanted to go home. Four countries in four weeks is a lot!

Yesterday, however, I got up and went out walking. Expanding the area I had been walking in (when I did go out) and even took a riverboat tour. It was a wonderful day that renewed that sense of adventure and excitement at seeing new things in a place I'd never been before.

Today, I will be going on a full-city tour via bus and walking. I'm really looking forward to it.

I still want to go home. I still miss my family and friends and want to get back to church at our church. I still want the luxury of our own washer and dryer and sleeping in our own bed. I am a little homesick, but not as much as on Monday and Tuesday. This will be a good way to say goodbye to Budapest tomorrow. A friend has often said, "tough goodbyes are the best ones", and he's right. This goodbye isn't to a person, but I'm glad that leaving Budapest won't be without the longing to see it again.

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